


About Blog

 Welcome to our blog. A place for students and their families so that you can see what goes on in our library, the books we love, and get help with homework and assignments. The blog is a mix of the interesting, the helpful, the quirky and the fun! Comments are welcome,  you can submit reviews and suggestions to KANAK LATA MISHRA, the librarian at . 

Our school is located in , BLOCK 6 KHICHRIPUR NEW DELHI, India.

“A good library will never be too neat, or too dusty, because somebody will always be in it, taking books off the shelves and staying up late reading them.”- Lemony Snicket

Kendriya Vidyalaya  KHICHRIPUR 2ND SHIFT has an exquisite library located on the First floor of the Main building, blends traditional print resources with an array of electronic collections and services. Its design accommodates small groups, individual readers, and large group instruction. In addition to computer section for Students, we do have the facility features cozy areas for quiet reading; expanded reference, journal and career sections; and growing video and audio bookS.collections.

Opening Hours: The library is open every school day from 11 a.m. to 06:00 p.m.
Library Periods: According to the school time table the students of Class VI-XII can visit the library for the issue and return of the books during their library periods. They can refer books and participate in library activities during this time. Lunch break also children are allowed to use the library facilities.

Class Libraries: Class libraries are functioning for classes I to V.

The library’s book capacity has nearly doubled in the course of time. A combination of picture books, fiction, Encyclopedias, non-fiction, big books, Biographies,  Magazines, award-winning books, and curriculum enrichment materials., makes the Library an inviting and productive learning environment. 
The library and its staff are dedicated to providing the best collection and service to children, educators, and paren
Students come along with class during their library slot as well independently. 
Children are encouraged to start reading at an early age, and for primary students, there are series of books including Noddy, the Enid Blyton series, and many other interesting storybooks and comics appealing to young readers.
Newspapers and magazines containing current events are available on a separate stand for student and teacher reference. Computer systems are available in the library and children.

Library Automation: The stock and services of the library are automated powered by

e-granthalaya software provided from the National Informatics Centre, Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India. The software has been designed by a team of experts from software as well as the Library and Information Science discipline.